• Jess & Dave’s Wedding at the Old Library in Digbeth, Birmingham

    Jess & Dave’s Wedding at the Old Library in Digbeth, Birmingham

    The Old Library right in the heart of Digbeth and the incredible Custard Factory has to be the ideal alternative Wedding Photography location. With a vivid street art scene and old industrial buildings everywhere, this wedding was going to be a dream to shoot for me! The day started with Jess getting ready with her bridesmaids.…

  • An urban Wedding at the extraordinary Fazeley Studios in Digbeth

    An urban Wedding at the extraordinary Fazeley Studios in Digbeth

    What a lovely couple and what an extraordinary venue to photograph! I’ve photographed around Digbeth many times including the Custard Factory so for me Fazeley Studios was an exciting location to shoot a wedding in. Fazeley Studios is a deceptive a venue and looks quite unassuming from the outside, but behind those big blue doors…

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